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Children of the Source Page 28

  “Which of our children?” Judith asked.

  “Victoria the Wise.”

  “The Wise?” I said, and sat on a carved wooden bench.

  “She earned a reputation for knowing how to bring people together and solving problems. In later years as your country made its come back, she traveled in the west to help put your country back together. But she always returned to Cheshire, Flagstaff. and her family. But she doesn’t need to know that. A good life.” My Entity turned to an attractive middle aged lady who appeared behind him. “Melissa, I want you to meet your great great grandparents, Jamie and Judith.”

  Melissa walked up and hugged Judith as it was the most natural thing in the world, and then stood back and studied me. Judith watched a bemused expression on her fine features. “I’ve heard of you. A legend in many people’s minds.”

  I laughed. “I never considered myself as a legend.”

  “There were insane stories of you being able to be in several places at once, and catching bullets in mid air.”

  “Madness.” I smiled. “Crazy,” I agreed.

  “You and Judith did put an end to the corporate misuse of eugenics. You managed to destroy their research and technology before they knew what you were doing. You lived a charmed life as a number of businesses did their best to kill you. Eventually you channeled eugenics into medicine that helped those genetically damaged. Also to cure blindness, deafness and make the paralyzed walk again.” She said, amused.

  I watched her. “You are related to Severin?”

  “Astera and Derek Randolph were my other great great grandparents. She and Derek settled in Cheshire when he retired from the military.”

  “You have a family?” Judith asked.

  “Melissa Lopez.,” she said.

  “Greg, Alice, Issac. You’re from Issac,” I said.

  “Issac married Astera’s daughter from an earlier marriage. She was raised in the Four Planet Federation, but chose to come here. Astera and Derek had another child, a son. Gets wonderfully complicated, but Lopez it is. You have three generations to me. I went to medical school in Colorado. Didn’t want to stray too far from home.”

  “Children?” Judith asked.

  “Three. Twin girls and a boy. The girls are fifteen. Issac is twelve.”

  “Your husband is?” I asked.

  “Fred Lopez. He’s an administrator with the regional government in Flagstaff. Flagstaff is now a regional capital for what was a military region.” She shook her head, pleased. “It’s worked out well. The local university reopened to teach the alien technologies coupled with some commonsense from both of our cultures. It has changed how we do things. Think. Believe. We still elect our leaders but without the virulent lies and trash of long ago. No money in politics. Energy is free. Education is the central focus of growing up. We use money, but it isn’t as important as it once was.”

  “Good changes then,” Judith said.

  “It took a lot of doing, but yeah,” Melissa said, pleased.

  I turned to my Entity. “It worked then.”

  “It’s not finished. You’re not finished. The world she lives in still needs to be molded. You and Judith, Kodus and Marta have more to do.”

  Judith touched me and we found Melissa wobbling. I touched her to stabilizer her. She steadied. “I want to thank you for coming,” I said. “You are a pleasure to meet.”

  She looked perplexed. “Why do I feel I a kinship with you, Jamie? Like I’ve known you forever.”

  I eyed my Entity expecting him to say something, but nothing came. “We are related, Melissa,” I said. “We share the same Entity, the same Source. Rather we are made from the same energy. When you wake in the morning, you’ll remember a great warm dream of more feeling than images. You’ll hear my name whispered as you wake. Have a wonderful life and perhaps we’ll meet again.”

  She walked up and hugged me. I felt our energy merge briefly. Our Entity stabilized us so we wouldn’t get lost in each other. “Thank you,” I said. Then she disappeared. I found my Entity watching me. “She is a good creation,” I said. “Thank you for not creating a disaster, a personality ruined with infirmities or circumstance.”

  “I’m not a complete bastard, Jamie. One day I’ll take you up to the light in the lighthouse, and show you what all this means.”

  “Don’t make it too soon,” I said.

  “You’ll pull the plug on your own life. Not me. Kodus has been to the light. He knows,” my Entity said.

  “Then one day then we’ll do it together. Thank you for letting me pull the plug. A rare thing,” I said and looked up at the light wondering idly what he might show me. Kodus brushed my arm. In that deep iron voice he said, “It’s worth the see, Jamie.”

  “Did it make sense?” I asked, hand resting on the silky wood of the bench.

  “In its own way,” his rich deep voice held some of what he’d seen. I could sense it without images but with feelings smoothing out some of my trepidations. But I still needed the answers. Learning and growing seemed to be the only real coin for these Entities. I’d have to wait and see. I smiled. Life was good and I had to go from there. The moment. It is the only place I could be. I was fortunate in my family, Carson and his staff at the fort, the aliens and how things have worked out so far. Jesse and family traveling home safe.

  I looked at my Entity. “Do you have more future selves you haven’t mentioned.?”

  He shook his head. “Nope. She is it unless you don’t do what you’re supposed to do. If you and your crew can put an end to the abuse of eugenics, I won’t have to create another personality to handle the problem. It is a problem born partly through my mistakes on Adora. I need to end it. You’re it, Jamie. You will have whatever help I can give you short of taking over your body. Which you wouldn’t permit anyway. There are abilities you are only beginning to guess at that are yours. Ones you haven’t discovered or unleashed. As you find yourself in new situations, some of these abilities will introduce themselves, like the mild shape shifting with Harry and Conrad at the fort. You’ve only scratched the surface of your abilities.”

  I shook my head. “I cannot imagine what else you’ve designed into my personality.” I could sense an older man in a brown herringbone suit busily working in a lab filled with equipment I didn’t understand. He smelled of peppermint and walked with a limp. Right leg. I looked at my Entity who gave a bland smile. “Someone from the future, no doubt,” I said.

  “And from the past. He’s important to the eugenics movement. Look at his face. The eyes.”

  I walked to the front of the desk with the computer. touching the man with my mind. He looked up, surprised. So familiar. How could he have gotten this far? The eyes belonged to a long ago scientist from Adora. One of Tellus’ henchmen. Gawd Almighty. A curse of disbelief and prayer of relief for finding something just in time. The balding man stared in disbelief as his fingers moved with a life of their own across the keyboard to wipe clean all his files. Then I planted a thought that what happened was the most natural thing in the world. Finally, I fried his hard drive.

  I found myself back with my Entity in front of the Lighthouse with Judith, Kodus and Marta. “How did he get here?” I found myself angry and alarmed at the same time. The full memory of the Eugenics War crashing forward with all its terror and no quarter fighting. Tearing a planet apart. Causing the world of Adora to end its Entity experiment. Leaving wounds still in need of healing ...

  “His Entity slipped him in. We’ve been doing a discreet survey of those companies that practice eugenics. This fellow had an excellent grasp of some of the ideas that lead to the more advanced techniques used on Adora.” My Entity faced me, concern radiating.

  “God, the things you’ve gotten me into.” I shook my head, knowing the true horrors of uncontrolled eugenics fueled by fanatical belief, greed and power. Without ethics or care for anything or any Being. “So, this is a taste of my future.” I eyed my Entity. “I expect you to be there for me.”

nbsp; “Indeed.

  “But there might be a catch,” I said, tapping my fingers on the bench where we were sitting. “What happens after the Transition when personalities are better able to communicate with their Entities. Our friends in the eugenics field might be able to accelerate their mischief. They also might get information on me and what we are doing. Increasing their security. Sending assassins. Not happy thoughts. Any ideas?”

  “That access can be curtailed by the Board of Regents.” The whales still played in the sea below. A rain shower with wind sent white caps racing toward the beach.

  I blinked. “They are that interested in our problem?”

  “They, along with the Earth, want to continue the Entity experiment. To see it come to fruition. That is why the aliens were recruited to come. Your job is to help create the future for your future granddaughter, Melissa.” I felt his hand on my shoulder, and could feel his energy, my energy mingle. I sensed the future, and could feel a time line leading to Melissa. Oddly, there was a completion there.

  “Thank you, my friend. I don’t even know your name,” I said.

  “Names are tools of reference you use in your reality. They are not necessary here. We go by our Essences which changes due to growth and experience. A name may come to you, and you can use that if you wish. Is there anything else you want to know dealing with our future personality Melissa?”

  “I think we’ve covered most everything. I’m sure we’ll be talking soon.” I bowed, pleased, enjoying the whales frolicking below.

  “Please enjoy the Lighthouse, Jamie. Remember it is as much your creation as mine ...

  Morning found us eating breakfast with our family in the dining hall. “So?” Abe said. “Who is this special creature?”

  “Victoria’s great granddaughter, a medical doctor Melissa Lopez..” I poised my spoon over my oatmeal with milk and honey.

  “Kept it in the family so to speak. You don’t seem too upset, ” Laith observed.

  “No. It made sense.”

  Victoria eyed Judith and me, mouth open. “Great granddaughter?”

  Judith laughed. “Melissa Lopez. A doctor. She lives in our house a hundred years in the future. Went to medical school in Colorado.” She attacked her stack of pancakes smeared with butter and strawberry jam. “Seems Flagstaff becomes a capital of a regional state.” She smiled at our daughter. “You will have a family.”

  “Wow.” Victoria slowly stirred her oatmeal. And smiled. “It will be interesting to see what happens.”

  The future. Looking back seeing what we’ve created over the years. I was pleased. Now the future had a more personal connection with Melissa, motivating me to craft it with great care. I had a personal stake in the future. No longer was the future some nebulous time which could take care of itself. Melissa was a living piece of the future. Though I’d never participate in her life, I would continue to build a foundation here for my children and grandchildren. And they would do the same. It made me look at the whole continuum of life differently.

  Charles and Mary slide into the table with their breakfast on their trays. He smiled at me. “You look pleased with yourself. Like you’ve come to an understanding.”

  I ducked my head. “Indeed. I met a future self. Seems she is a great great granddaughter. The whole thing made its own completion. Do you have a future self, Charles?”

  He shook his head. “No. My situation is different. I have a separate life created just for myself this one time. My Entity finished long ago, and decided one last time. This is it.” He reached for the honey, drizzling it on his waffles. “This is a grand life don’t you think?”

  “You are your Entity in modified version. Not a created personality like the rest of us,” I said. “A rare thing.”

  “You’re not a second class citizen, Jamie,” He gave that great smile of his that encompassed everything, touched everything. “Rest assured you are much cherished by your creator.”

  It hit me. “You were part of the group that created me,” I said.

  He nodded. “True. A long story, but I had a hand in it.” He was pleased at my realization. “So you have a future to fashion. And exciting time to be alive in this system.”

  I had to agree and said so. “I wouldn’t trade this time for another. Or the people to be with either. As you say we have a future to fashion.” We dug into our breakfast.


  Five days passed. We could feel the energy from the supernova building, spilling into our system. Subtle, but real. Judith and I sat in the Dining Hall drinking tea and eating cookies. I was trying to figure out a game of solitaire much to her amusement. Jesse, Marta and family were fitting in neatly, kids running all over with other children of Cheshire. Ike had even found his grandmother June. She was our chief beekeeper. Alan and Ellen moved as one. Their joy palatable to everyone. Incredible. I smiled. It is grand when things work out. Severin walked in and joined us. “How will the supernova affect our ships?” I asked.

  “It won’t. A different type of energy.” He sat down. “How many days before the trigger event?”

  I shoved a mug of steaming tea across the table. “Three days. We’ll have a gathering in the late morning.”


  I nodded. “The Focus. How did you know?”

  “Like with you we’ve been tracking an unusual energy that has a frequency tag with both the supernova and the Earth. It is your son. Many things have come together.” He warmed his hands on the mug.

  “The Entity that includes Laith also created the supernova out of itself, it’s energy,” I said, and handed the cookie plate to Severin.

  “Ah,” He said. New idea. “We should have thought of that.”

  “Most people think the forces of nature and the Universe are arbitrary, mindless, needlessly cruel, and erupt without reason or control. Isn’t necessarily so. This Entity’s energy is so vast and developed It can alter the energy filters around the human brain on a collective level. One of the keys to changing this world.”

  “We’ve suspected this Entity’s body makes up this galaxy,” Severin said.

  “This is true,” I said.

  “And the eugenicists?” Severin said.

  “They will still require our attention. We will have to trace these main players from the Akashic Records of Adora. The Entities will leave an energy trail. With our technology spanning time and different levels of reality, we’ll be able to identify them. This Transition will allow the identities to be plain to us. A help.”

  Severin nodded, biting a cookie. “As Kodus and Marta, you finished eugenics on Adora, giving the planet a way out. Now, as Jamie and Judith, you have more advanced tools and abilities to prevent its abuse on Earth. The Earth and its custodians will be able to help you.”

  “We can identify the trouble makers energy signatures, and ask the Earth to put a block on them from incarnating,” I said. “We have already found some of these problem Entities from checking with Kodus and Marta. Also the Earth’s communicating with Adora. We’ve been privileged to sit in on the communications.”

  “More going on than I thought. And the Board of Regents for Earth?”

  “We’ve been in touch. Working these ideas with them.” I ate my cookie, and sipped my tea. “Charles Bareton sits on the Board. Long earned.” I saw Severin cringe involuntarily. Akenton. The man without ethics who would do anything, and had. With the almost unlimited power of the Sound Language. Even now we could sense the vast ego and the corruption. Scary guy. Hard to leave a past behind. Now changed.

  “That is Akenton’s value. The example. The memory forever fresh and, indelibly linked to our present to insure it never happens again. Like the Holocaust,” I said.

  Three days passed. The morning dawned fresh and clear. Judith and I stood in the dawn holding hands looking at the Peaks. “It’s time,” Judith said.

  I nodded. “Late morning.” We could feel a sea of energy flooding around us. The sensation caressed the mind. You could feel the
loosening within, something readying to break free. “I have no idea what this will do to personalities and their source Entities.”

  “Or how personalities will react to each other when they realize their source Entities have had other lives together as other personalities,” Judith said.

  “And understand though they have the same source Entity that they are separate and distinct personalities from so called ‘past’ lives. That is the a key. They can rise above a problem or sink back into it or create a happiness from a past experience. So many variables,” I said. We walked to the Dining Hall. Victoria, Meg, and Abe caught up with us, out of breath.

  “Laith and Helen are taking their sweet time,” Victoria said, rolling her eyes.

  Abe laughed. “Love. But you know there was something funny about those two. Probably has to do with this energy change we are going through. They were very quiet. Not all kissy feely.”

  “Abe,” Victoria admonished. “Beat you to the Dining Hall.” And took off running with Abe and Meg at her heels. We laughed.

  “They know,” Judith said, voice sober. “But ... ”

  “Laith and Helen aren’t going to move away,” I said putting an arm around her tense body. “Like the websites of old, they can be based anywhere to do the job. And most of it will be done in the dream state.”

  “You said they already have an organization in place?”

  “Yes. There are thousands of small groups all over Earth ready to become aware and active when this transition takes place. They will awaken to their mission so to speak. These are volunteers, even as there were volunteers that activated during the civil right movement and anti-war movement in the nineteen sixties. They helped change our nation. Aim it in a certain direction.”

  We entered the Dining Hall, got in the food line behind Charles and Mary. “Ready?” I asked the big man.

  “Laith and Helen are ready. They are the human extension of this vast Entity that makes up our galaxy. They will have all the resources of this Entity at their fingertips so to speak.”